Friday 24 May 2013

Kate Middleton's due date is approaching fast as her baby bump grows, and it might be announced on Twitter.

According to Entertainment Wise, Now magazine reported that the royal palace would announce the baby's arrival on Twitter. That could be any day now since we know that Middleton's due date is July 13.

The report said that this sets a precedence when it comes to modernizing the royal family, among other things they did such as their 2010 November engagement announced on Twitter.

The 31-year-old Duchess of Cambridge has been steady in the spotlight, showing off her big baby bump to everyone.

Her and husband Prince William are expecting their first child together soon, and since Middleton plans on being a stay-at-home mom (at least for a while), she has taken up cooking lessons.

According to Us magazine, an insider said that the couple's new housekeeper, Antonella Fresolone, was hired three weeks ago and is known for her "delicious" Italian cooking. She is showing Middleton how to make "a number of new dishes" in the small kitchen at Nottingham Cottage.

In recent news, the Duchess was recently spotted shopping in London for the Kensington home she shares with husband Prince William, and she did it all in the pouring rain.

E! Online said that Middleton carried her own bags after shopping at a home furnishing store with security holding an umbrella for her on top of her head on Tuesday.

Sources said that Middleton had breakfast at the Dome Café in Chelsea Harbour around 11 a.m. before heading out to do her shopping duties. She "sat in the atrium like everyone else" and was "totally normal" as she enjoyed a leisurely breakfast, Marie Claire reported.

She then went to Design Centre looking at lighting. Then she went to a carpet shop on Lots Road and stayed there for 45 minutes.

Jennifer Lawrence is no stranger to makeovers — she’s been blonde, brunette, then blonde again over the past two months — but the short haircut she debuted at this weekend’s GLAAD Media Awards is a whole new look for the Oscar-winning actress. ”It’s the shortest her hair has been her whole life,” Lawrence’s hair stylist Mark Townsend told Harper’s Bazaar. “She didn’t want the conventional asymmetrical bob (shorter in the back, longer in the front). She wanted tons of layers—so we went with a full-on shag, with bangs and a lot of face-framing layers,” Townsend explained. (He also posted an adorable post-cut pic on Instagram.)

The textured chop reminds us of another recent haircut: model Karlie Kloss’ wavy bob, which has been called “the haircut of the year.” It looks like Jennifer is onto something.

What do you think of Jennifer Lawrence’s haircut?

In a 4th grade science quiz given to students at the Blue Ridge Christian Academy, you were right if you answered that God made dinosaurs on the 6th day of creation.

The quiz, titled “Dinosaurs: Genesis and the Gospel,” was posted on Reddit and quickly went viral.

Getting a huge influx of both criticism and praise, school officials decide to speak back regarding their beliefs.

While religious freedom is a right given to every person, does creationism have a place in schools, and in science class for that matter?

Wednesday 22 May 2013

A 5-year-old boy shot and killed his 2-year-old sister, Caroline Starks using a .22 caliber rifle that he received as a gift.

The children’s mother was home at the time of the shooting. The little girl was quickly sent to a nearby hospital where she was pronounced dead.

Cumberland County Coroner Gary White explained that the rifle was given to the boy last year as a birthday present and he was “trained” in using it. Unfortunately, the gun was kept in the house and the family failed to realize that it was still loaded.

The gun, dubbed “My First Rifle” is a Crickett rifle, a smaller weapon designed for and marketed to little kids. In the website, the rifle is designed similar to a toy and comes in different colors and styles.

“The little Crickett rifle is a single-shot rifle and it has a child safety,” White said. “This was just a tragic accident.”

The death is ruled as accidental.

CPR Training

In the season five episode "Stress Relief," one of the most hilarious moments on the show came when Michael arranged for a woman to come to the office and give the employees CPR training. It was a mess from the start, with the instructor's advice to think of the song "Staying Alive" by the BeeGees causing Andy and Michael to sing the song and disrupt the entire process.

But that wasn't the funniest part! Dwight decided, for whatever reason, that it would be a good idea to carve into the CPR dummy with a knife and wear the face as a mask.

Michael vs Toby

One of the funniest running gags on 'The Office' involved Michael's extreme, unjustified hatred of Toby, the HR rep. While this hatred was shown many times throughout the years, the most memorable came in the season two finale "Casino Night," when he unleashed the following words on his mortal enemy:

"Why are you the way that you are? Honestly, every time I try to do something fun or exciting, you make it not that way. I hate so much about the things that you choose to be."

His reaction to Toby's final day in the office in "Goodbye Toby" was also quality, with Michael dancing, throwing a huge party, and singing a farewell song to his least favorite human being.

Andy's Ringtone

One of the all-time funniest pranks on 'The Office' was played against Andy Bernard in the season three episode "The Return." After Andy showed off his self-recorded "Rockin' Robin" ringtone, Jim and Pam teamed up to hide his phone in the ceiling above his desk.

When they called the phone and Andy couldn't find it, he had an even bigger meltdown than they could've possibly predicted, smashing his hand through an office wall and getting himself exiled to Anger Management courses.

Identity Theft

Just about every fan of 'The Office' will remember this gem! In the season three episode "Product Recall," Jim dressed up in a Dwight costume, complete with stopwatch, glasses, mustard yellow shirt, and bobbleheads, in order to mess with him. At the end of the episode, Dwight retaliated by coming to work dressed as Jim, even imitating Jim's silly looks at the camera. It doesn't get much more perfect than that!

Agent Michael Scarn

Michael's screenplay, which Pam discovered in his desk while he was away from the office, detailed the adventures of Agent Michael Scarn and his love interest, Catherine Zeta-Jones. In the season two episode "The Client," the Dunder Mifflin employees did a read-through of Michael's hilarious script, which he eventually made into a "movie" called 'Threat Level Midnight' in season seven.

We'll never know how he convinced so many people to appear in his movie, but we sure are glad he did!

Monday 20 May 2013
We all know one of those people who are relatively good at anything they try and do. They’re the overachievers who do anything to win and do anything to get the job done. Unfortunately in the gaming industry, overachieving is taken to an entirely new height by watching normal people do incredible things that just wouldn’t be possible in real life.

Today we honor these men and women who have been given incredible abilities that we know, if they were real, would never be capable of doing what they do.
Super Mario
 Mario is probably the biggest overachiever in the history of gaming. This guy is nothing more than your average, overweight plumber who rarely, if ever, does his job. Yet as Mario, you’re tasked with taking down wave after wave of enemies all in the hopes of one day rescuing your kidnapped love. And what does any of that have to do with plumbing or the expectation of a plumber? Absolutely nothing. Mario has no business being Chuck Norris.

Max Payne
 Max Payne is a badass. That’s hard to argue. He’s a former New York Police Detective and used to work for the DEA. However, this guy has the uncanny ability to take on entire multi-international gangs with nothing more than a few guns and some tripped out effects. Really? Are we supposed to believe that this guy is some form of Punisher? Everyone knows cops love donuts, not going on crazy ass vendettas.

Lara Croft
 O-V-E-R-A-C-H-I-E-V-E-R. Lara Croft is that kid in your class that was always doing bonus credit and getting a GPA above the maximum grade possible. However, despite just being an archaeologist, she’s capable of also taking down an entire small privatized army in order to save the world. That’s right. It’s not just a vendetta or killing those who killed her family. She’s saving the world one adventure at a time.

Tony Romo
 You’re thinking, “What?” But come on man. Any of you that play Madden on a yearly basis and have succeeded with Tony Romo in the game can verify that that’s complete nonsense. In what world would Tony Romo be capable of winning a Super Bowl or even multiple playoff games? The virtual world, that’s what world. Honestly, he’s probably a bigger overachiever in gaming than Mario.

Nick Groove
Groove grew up on the streets and there is nothing he can’t do. He’s smuggled drugs, killed cartels, taken over a vast amount of territories, kicked an unlimited amount of people in the crotch and has even ran for the office of President (and won). You’re probably confused by now and have no clue who Nick is or how come you haven’t had the privileged opportunity to play as him. That’s because he’s my character in Saint’s Row and he overachieves daily.

The rumor mill is a perilous place, filled with scant facts but heaps of hearsay, malarkey, bunk, and all kinds of nonsense that rhymes handily with bull spit. As we get closer to the May 21 announcement of Microsoft’s Next Xbox, though, it’s been remarkable just how many rumors about the future of the company’s video game business have turned out to be true all along. The Xbox ten-year plan memo allegedly leaked straight out of Microsoft in June 2012 described, amongst other things, the next console’s ability to project images into a player’s living room. The Next Xbox can’t do it itself actually. Microsoft’s IllumiRoom, which works with it, can.
Microsoft CTO Eric Rudder debuted the IllumiRoom technology at the Consumer Electronics Show this past January. The “raw” technology demo demonstrated proposed – as described in old Microsoft patents – a living room device that would project video images on every surface in your living room; television shows, Xbox games, a PC’s web browser, or even video and music editing tools. Its uses would range from the practical to the outlandish, from something as simple as projecting a virtual keyboard on your coffee table to displaying game enemies coming at you from all angles.
While Microsoft didn’t discuss IllumiRoom’s role in gaming in detail at CES, that functionality is going to happen. The company is holding an event at the Paris-based CHI 2013 event on Tuesday to properly unveil the technology. A video teasing the event shows, as pointed out by Eurogamer, an example of how IllumiRoom and Kinect would work together to let people play Portal. “IllumiRoom can extend the gaming content out of your TV, creating a truly immersive experience,” says the video, “Or we can selectively show game elements, like explosions, or make it snow in our living room.”
The video below goes in to a bit more detail on the system and how it would work in your living room.
The big tease, however, is Microsoft discussing how IllumiRoom will work with “a next-generation gaming console.” This is the first tacit acknowledgement that the Next Xbox, whatever it may be called, will work with new projection technology just as described in the ten-year plan manifesto.

Brad Pitt chatted with USA Today about partner Angelina Jolie's decision to undergo a double mastectomy after learning that she had about an 87% chance of developing breast cancer, and the 49-year-old actor reveals that he has been "quite emotional" about it all.
"She could have stayed absolutely private about it and I don't think anyone would have been none the wiser with such good results," he says. "But it was really important to her to share the story and that others would understand it doesn't have to be a scary thing. In fact, it can be an empowering thing, and something that makes you stronger and us stronger."
Pitt said the experience has been "an emotional and beautifully inspiring few months. And I'll tell you, it's such a wonderful relief to come through this and not have a spectre hanging over our heads. To know that that's not going to be something that's going to affect us. My most proudest thing is our family. This isn't going to get that."
Pitt also noted that "just weeks" after she had had the surgery she visited Congo, as well as London for the G-8 Foreign Ministers Conference and New York City for the Women in the World Summit.
So how are the couple's six children handling mom's recovery? "We set up our own little post-op recovery that became pretty fun. You make an adventure out of it."

Saturday 18 May 2013

Most movie fans watch movies hoping for the best. We don’t want to see something bad, we want to be transported to another place and entertained for two hours so, even with a bad movie, we’ll try to find something good in it. On the flip side, if you watch a movie looking for the negative, you’re going to find it.

1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 – Why is there snow in Hogsmeade when the trio gets there and meets Aberforth? Hogsmeade and Hogwarts are within walking distance of each other, yet there is no snow at Hogwarts.

2. X-Men: First Class – In First Class, Professor X is made handicapped in 1962 at the end of the movie. In the previous X-men movie, he was walking when he visited the girl (Jean) in the mid 70s with Magneto.

3. Transformers: Dark of the Moon – In the first scene with Carly coming up the stairs she is wearing a white cap, when the camera changes to the front view and she is holding the stuffed rabbit the cap is gone.

If you head on over to Google Images and type in “atari breakout” you will be blessed with a playable old school favourite game. Try it right now and then come back and read on here because we will talk about the Atari Breakout Boost iOS app.

Google laid this egg to commemorate the 37th anniversary of the 1976 Atari Breakout game, now lets move onto the app for iOS device users.

So far Atari Breakout Boost has had well over 2-million downloads in the App Store, and its last update was in March that added 10 new levels for free as well as 5 more free levels by clicking on in-game Facebook button.

This is the enhanced version of the Atari classic that features stunning graphics and more gameplay, you got new power-ups such as Grenade Balls, Fire, Acid, and Splitting boosts. There are also some unique brick types such as Mystery, x4, Exploding and Metal bricks.

You can purchase additional packs once you have completed what the app already has, the library can be increased to 200+ levels.

Main Game Features Include: 10 free levels, 200+ more levels available via in-app purchase, Boost Indicator that can control the speed of the game, Missiles & other power-ups and so much more.

Please do head on over to Google Images and type in “Atari breakout” for some online fun then download this app because you will be come addicted.

It is a shame that this game is not available for Android users, but there are alternatives

The human brain is responsible for many complex creations, but it can’t invent the image of people. So the “strangers” that you meet in your dreams actually have the faces of people who you’ve once seen in your real life but forgotten, like your childhood mailman or that guy bumped into on the side walk that one time.

Chances are that you’ve laid their eyes on more than a few individuals, and so the brain as a huge cast of characters to play with when you drift off to sleep. Except for in the case of extreme psychological disorder, every human being dreams. In fact, in a recent study, students who were awakened at the beginning of each dream but still allowed 8 hours of sleep, all experienced difficulty concentrating, irritability, hallucinations, and signs of psychosis in a span of three days.

When they were allowed their REM sleep, their brains compensated for the lost time by increasing the percentage of the sleep spent in the REM stage. Dreams are a window into the subconscious. Even though most of the time, they’re completely random, disorganized, and we forget 90% of them within 10 minutes of waking up; many people have drawn inspiration from their dreams. Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein was a based on a dream that she had.

As the initial enthusiasm about Pakistan’s elections abates and serious questions are asked about the integrity of the polls in a number of constituencies, a new fragmented political landscape is emerging. Although strong support for the Pakistan Muslim League-N, one of Pakistan’s oldest parties, suggests a degree of stability in the political party scene, the striking novelty of these elections is the regionalisation of political support. This raises tricky questions in the context of greater powers granted to the provinces by the recent constitutional reforms.
No political party enjoys anything that comes close to consistent support across the four provinces. Nawaz Sharif’s party, the PML-N, won an overwhelming majority in the National Assembly in Punjab with 116 seats, while taking only eight in other provinces. The former ruling Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP), which secured 88 directly elected seats in 2008 from all four provinces, has now been reduced to a regional party, securing 29 direct seats in Sindh and only two seats in Punjab. Strikingly, in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) province where the PPP garnered 10 seats in 2008, the party failed to win a single one this time round. Imran Khan’s Pakistan Tahreek Insaf (PTI) owes its strong showing to KP, winning 17 of its 27 seats fielded in the province, while only succeeding in eight seats in Punjab and a seat each in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) and Islamabad.

This regionalisation of Pakistan’s politics is also reflected in the results from the simultaneous elections that took place in the four Provincial Assemblies. In Punjab, the PML-N now enjoys a whopping two-thirds majority, removing the checks and balances that had come from the strong opposition presented by the PPP and PML-Q until now. In Sindh, the PPP has once again emerged as the majority party, and will form a government without need of a coalition. In KP province, the PTI emerged as the largest party and is likely to form a coalition government. In Balochistan, the Pashtun nationalist party Pashtunkhwa Milli Awami Party (PMAP) has emerged as the largest party with 10 seats followed by the PML-N, Jamiat Ulema Islam-F and nine independents, who will have a decisive role in forming a government.

Bruce Lee could land a punch in around five hundredths of a second (0.05 second) from 3 feet away, and from 5 feet away it was around eight hundredths of a second (0.08 second).
Lee could take in one arm a 75 lb barbell from a standing position with the barbell held flush against his chest and slowly stick his arms out locking them, holding the barbell there for several seconds.
Lee could perform one-hand push-ups using only the thumb and index finger. Lee performed 50 reps of one-arm chin-ups.
Lee could cause a 300-lb (136.08 kg) bag to fly towards and thump the ceiling with a sidekick.
Lee could hold an elevated v-sit position for 30 minutes or longer.
Lee performed a sidekick while training with James Coburn and broke a 150 lb (68 kg) punching bag.
In a move that has been dubbed "Dragon Flag", Lee could perform leg lifts with only his shoulder blades resting on the edge of a bench and suspend his legs and torso horizontal midair.
Bruce Lee was able to jump 8 feet from a stand still (this was shown in pictures and his films such as the one where he kicked the lightbulb out).
Lee could break wooden boards 6 inches (15 cm) thick.
Lee could throw grains of rice up into the air and then catch them in mid-flight using chopsticks. - Witnessed by many such as Joe Hyams
Lee could thrust his fingers through unopened cans of Coca-Cola. (This was when soft drinks cans were made of steel much thicker than today's aluminum cans).

Thursday 16 May 2013

Microsoft's Windows Phone grabbed third place from BlackBerry in global smartphone shipments in the first quarter, market researcher IDC said Thursday.
Windows Phone accounted for shipments of 7 million smartphones, earning itself a market share of 3.2 percent last quarter. That was a gain from the first quarter of 2012, which saw shipments of 3 million and a market share of 2 percent.

Over the same period, BlackBerry saw its fortunes fall. Last quarter, shipments fell to 6.3 million from 9.7 million in the year-ago quarter, while BlackBerry's market share dropped to 2.9 percent from 6.4 percent.
Windows Phone posted the largest gain among all operating systems, a feat largely due to Nokia, IDC said in its report. The Finnish phone maker was responsible for 70 percent of all Windows Phone shipments last quarter. Since partnering with Microsoft, Nokia has shipped a total of 20.3 million Windows Phone handsets. Other vendors also offer Windows Phone devices but mostly as an alternative to their mainstay Android phones.
"Windows Phone claiming the third spot is a first and helps validate the direction taken by Microsoft and key partner Nokia," IDC analyst Kevin Restivo said in a statement. "Given the relatively low volume generated, the Windows Phone camp will need to show further gains to solidify its status as an alterative to Android or iOS."
Despite the boost for Windows Phone, Google's Android and Apple iOS operating systems still completely dominate the smartphone landscape.
Android phones saw shipments of 162.1 million last quarter, up from 90.3 million for the prior year's quarter. Market share climbed to 75 percent from 59.1 percent.
Apple shipped 37.4 million iPhones in the first quarter, up from 35.1 million, though its slice of the market dropped to 17.3 percent from 23 percent.
Wednesday 15 May 2013

Actress Angelina Jolie has today written an op-ed in The New York Times explaining that she has opted to have a double mastectomy because she carries the hereditary BRCA1 gene, which she says increases her risk of breast cancer by 87%. Her mother died from breast cancer after a ten-year struggle at the age of 56.
We asked an expert in breast cancer and genetics to explain more about the breast cancer genetic mutation and what it means for women.
What are the BRCA1 (and BRCA2) gene mutations?
BRCA1 and BRCA2 are genes that have been linked to hereditary breast and ovarian cancer. Women who inherit one of these faulty genes are at an increased risk of breast or ovarian cancer. Men who inherit a faulty gene may be at increased risk of prostate cancer. Breast cancer in men carrying BRCA2 has also been described in the medical literature.
These genes are important in helping repair breaks in the DNA in our cells, so a faulty gene can mean that DNA repair is less than optimal. In some people this can lead to the development of cancer.
Should I be getting tested for them?
Not routinely. In general terms, genetic testing should be carried out following counselling in a familial cancer centre after a proper assessment of risk.
Testing is offered to people who have developed breast or ovarian cancer where there are features that might suggest a mutation is present.
These can include an early age of onset of cancer, or cancer in both breasts, multiple cancers in the family, male breast cancer, ovarian cancer, certain ancestry (such eastern European Jewish ancestry), or where there is a known mutation in the family.
Sometimes the appearance of a tumour, reported by the pathologist can help make a decision regarding whether testing is necessary.
How are they tested for?
This is generally done through a blood sample.
What is the cost of the test/s and why?
At present testing for these genes in Australia is expensive – about A$2,000 to A$2,500 – but costs are coming down.
Once a mutation has been identified in a family member, other members can be tested and this is much cheaper.
In Australia, the test is offered for free in familial cancer centres where a person meets suitable criteria for testing.
How many people are affected?

It was a moment Hitler had been working towards for years. Having joined the small German Workers Party in the autumn of 1919, the young World War I veteran -- originally from the Austrian border town of Braunau am Inn -- worked ceaselessly to transform the small group of conservative agitators into a national political force. Relying on a mix of nationalist demagoguery, vicious anti-Communism and virulent anti-Semitism -- topped off with an unceasing flood of invective aimed at the Treaty of Versailles -- Hitler rode a wave of street popularity he hoped would help him overthrow the Berlin government.
His first attempt, in November 1923, would fail in a hail of bullets in Munich -- the so-called Beer Hall Putsch. Yet even though the Weimar Republic -- the democratic regime which emerged out of Germany's post-World War I chaos -- managed to stabilize the country both politically and economically in the mid-1920s, Hitler's Nazis would get a second chance.

From today's perspective, it is tempting to pin the blame for Hitler's eventual rise to power on the great New York stock market crash of 1929, an event which put millions of German workers out of a job. Others point to the onerous conditions placed on Germany by the Treaty of Versailles, which required Germany to accept responsibility for starting World War I and forced Berlin to pay 132 billion goldmarks in war reparations. Still others argue that Germany's history somehow made the country predestined for the kind of murderous dictatorship that Hitler's reign became.

The NSDAP got most of its support in the July 1932 election in northern Germany.
Entire libraries have been filled with books attempting to explain how a once-homeless failed artist could have launched a war machine that eventually resulted in 60 million dead, and a death machine that killed 6 million in the Holocaust's gas chambers. More are certainly to come. The rise of the Nazis defies any simple narrative, coming as it did out of a myriad of interlacing events, ideologies and historical accidents.
One thing, however, is clear. Nazi Germany, and the flood of destruction it unleashed on Germany, Europe and the world, was far from inevitable.
Tuesday 14 May 2013

Bear Grylls will be the UK’s youngest Chief Scout, aged 34. Whether it is crossing oceans in an open boat, scaling Mount Everest or flying a powered paraglider to 29,000ft in the Himalayas, Bear knows a thing or two about adventure.

As an ex Special Forces soldier, he is not only known around the world as the host of the hit TV series Born Survivor and Man Vs Wild, he is also an inspirational speaker, best selling author of nine books and a fervent supporter of young people getting out there to experience adventure for themselves.

Bear got his taste for the outdoors as a Scout, whilst a young boy. He was taught to climb by his late father on the sea cliffs of the Isle of Wight, and this interest rapidly developed when he left school.

His military service saw him trained in combat survival, parachuting, demolitions, trauma medics and mountain warfare as a trooper with 21 SAS.

During one parachute jump he sustained a massive injury breaking his back in three places. After intense military rehabilitation, he made a full recovery and went on to become one of the youngest climbers ever to reach the summit of Everest and has led numerous other expeditions around the world.

‘Honoured to be offered this position’

When invited to take on this role with the UK’s largest co-educational youth movement Bear said ‘I feel so honoured to be offered this position, and have always held such admiration for Scouts and all they do around the world. The Scouting Movement is a massive force for good, touching many, many young lives. Above all, it gives millions of kids the chance to live and learn about the wild and to experience real adventure. My hope is to help Scouts of all ages, including adults, to reach their full potential, to follow their dreams and to enjoy the camaraderie that the Scouts is famous for.

'In particular I want to continue the inspirational work that the current Chief Scout Peter Duncan has begun by showing the public how Scouting continues to open young people’s eyes to a world of extraordinary promise and possibilities.'

This is not Bear’s first volunteer role. He is also an ambassador for the Prince’s Trust and is Vice President of the Journey of a Lifetime Trust, which helps young people from troubled backgrounds experience the 'journey of a lifetime'.

Bear also balances his demanding life with a young family. Married to Shara, he has three sons all aged under six.

A global ambassador for a global movement

Scouting is a global movement and Bear has travelled extensively to every continent in the world. Known and respected in many countries outside the UK he is truly a global ambassador for a global movement. His languages include Spanish and French, and he has a deep respect for diverse faiths and cultures.

‘I can't wait to

We rarely find examples of constant persistence for success, like those of Abraham Lincoln. If anyone wants the inspiration of how many efforts a human can make, here’s his life sketch.
Born in poverty, he had to face defeat throughout his life. He lost eight elections, twice failed in business, suffered nervous breakdown and was bedridden for six months. He could have quit many times, but he didn’t quit and became one of the greatest presidents in America.
Here is a sketch of Lincoln’s road to White House
His family was forced out of their home AND He had to work to support them
His mother died
Failed in business
Ran for State legislature –lost
Also lost his job-wanted to go to law school but couldn’t get in.
Borrowed some money from a friend to begin a business and by the end of the year
He was bankrupt. He spent the next 17 years of his life paying off this debt.
Ran for state legislature again—won
Was engaged to be married, sweetheart died and his heart was broken
Had a total nervous breakdown and was in bed for six months
Sought to become speaker of the state legislature – defeated.
Sought to become elector – defeated
Ran for Congress –lost
Ran for Congress again – this time he won-went to Washington and did a good job
Ran for re-election to Congress-lost
Sought the job of land officer in his home state-rejected
Ran for Senate of the United States-lost
Sought the Vice Presidential nomination at his party’s national convention – got less than 100 votes
Ran for U.S. Senate again- again he lost *
Elected President of the United States.
The part was worn and slippery. My foot slipped from under me, knocking the other out of the way, but I recovered and said to myself," It’s a slip and not a fall". Abraham Lincoln –After losing a senate race-1858
One who never fails, but learns, succeeds finally.
Abraham Lincoln

Highlights:Text, talk and watch, WeChat is the latest free messaging cross-platform mobile application, which ensures to keep you connected with everyone close to you. Reliable and interactive, WeChat proves to be a perfect social networking app available for free download.
Clear voice quality
Sharing between group
Catches voice perfectly
Interface takes time to understand
Needs quick response unlike IM and email
There is no dearth of free SMS mobile applications these days. We do have loads of option to select from, like WhatsApp, Numbuzz, Viber and TalkBox. But still, there is space for some better cross-platform applications in the mobile market. To fill-up the space, Tencent Technology launched its new mobile app, WeChat, a new text and voice SMS communication service available for Android, iOS, Windows Phones and Symbian platforms.

A robust and fat performing free mobile text and voice messaging app, WeChat can be downloaded from Google Play for Android devices. With the estimated download of more than 100 million, WeChat is sure to attract more users in coming days. Let us check out whether this new text app is worth the installation?

To get started with, you need to download and install WeChat in your smart phone. After the installation, the app will prompt the users to create user ID and PIN, which require them to enter their mobile number and 4 digits PIN sent via SMS to their phone number.

After completing the registration, WeChat will access the Address Book from the user’s mobile phone and even from Facebook to create a list of contacts already in WeChat. This new text app has taken a great leap since its launch in the mobile market. The use of WeChat allows the users to send and receive voice messages at a speed, which far more fast then sending the text messages. Just speak up and your message gets delivered to the recipients ASAP.

Also, the app makes use of front camera from your smart phone to start the video calling. Just click on the add button given at the lower bar and select video call.


The first continental-scale reconstruction of temperatures over the past 2000 years has found 20th century warming was a global event that has produced the hottest global average temperature in 1400 years.
The study by 78 scientists from 24 countries was published in Nature Geoscience and combined Northern and Southern Hemisphere temperature reconstructions has highlighted the unusual nature of the 20th century warming.
The findings are in stark contrast to the Mediaeval Warm Period and Little Ice Age, which the study revealed did not occur simultaneously across the globe.
The international study led by the Past Global Changes (PAGES) network in Switzerland, included Australian scientists from the University of Melbourne, the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science at the University of New South Wales and the Australian Antarctic Division.
Co-author of the paper from the University of New South Wales’ ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science, Dr Steven Phipps said the striking feature about the sudden rise in 20th century global average temperature is that it comes after an overall cooling trend that lasted more than a millennium.
“This work has transformed our understanding of temperatures over the past 2000 years,” he said
“This research shows that in just a century the Earth has reversed 1400 years of cooling.
“Armed with this information, future researchers will able to better understand the causes of climate variability at a regional and global level and help forecast the changes we can expect as our planet warms.”
To reconstruct 2000 years of temperature, the researchers used data from 511 individual proxy records. The majority of these records came from tree ring measurements but also included coral reefs, cave formations, ice cores, lake sediments and some historical documents.
The 2000-year temperature snapshot revealed by the researchers showed a long-term cooling trend before human influences began to become significant. This trend was primarily driven by natural cycles in the Earth's orbit. At the same time there were also natural fluctuations caused by volcanic eruptions and variations in solar activity.
It is these natural variations, and in particular the changes in the Earth’s orbital cycle, that explain why some of the average global temperatures prior to AD 600 were as warm as today. However, none of these natural influences account for the dramatic global temperature rises of the 20th century.
Palaeoclimatologist Professor Jonathan Overpeck from the University of Arizona, US who is a Visiting Fellow of the Victorian Centre for Climate Change Adaptation Research at the University of Melbourne and Visiting Scientist with the ARC’s Centre of Excellence For Climate System Science, said the work was very exciting.
“The work has confirmed that there was no period of global warmth similar to that of the last 60 years in the preceding circa 2000 years, and adds to the evidence that the so-called Medieval Warm Period was quite different from the recent period of human-caused warming,” he said

A University of Waikato academic involved in a groundbreaking and controversial new study on words which have remained in use for around 15,000 years says the team involved expected the results to be controversial but the years of work that went into it were worth it.
"It's a new thing and won’t be accepted by everyone," Dr Andreea Calude says.
Dr Calude, from the University's Department of General and Applied Linguistics at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, was part of a team led by Mark Pagel, an evolutionary theorist at the University of Reading in England, which has come up with a list of words which can be traced to old forms around the time of the last Ice Age.
These 'ultra-conserved' words suggest that separate language families - thought to be unique - can be traced back to a common ancestral language dating back centuries and used across much of Europe to North America and as far south as the Indian Sub-Continent.
Dr Calude says it had been generally accepted that while languages could be classified into families, there was no good way of making links between the different families.
"Most people think you can't reconstruct history beyond language families," she says.
"They think going beyond a single language family is impossible. We had the sense that one should be able to go beyond a language family to a super language family.
Language families do not 'know' that they are a family and not a language, so the process of reconstruction should be the same between families as it is across individual languages. That was the start of this idea. We thought, does it even make sense to look beyond a single language family? It could be rubbish but we looked to see what was in it."
What they found was startling.
They looked at cognates as established by the LWED database (Languages of the World Etymological Database) - words which have a similar sound and the same meaning in different languages - across language families, rather than within languages from the same family, and found systematic relationships where none had been thought to exist.
"We constructed a language tree and what's cool about that is we got relationships between language families, not just languages," Dr Calude says
Monday 13 May 2013

Gliese 436 B one of the most unusual properties found anywhere in our known Universe. It's about the same size as Neptune, yet it orbits its star at an unusually close 4.3 million miles.

That’s almost fifteen times closer to its star than Mercury is to the Sun! And yet 436 B stays completely frozen! Therefore is literally and ice cube on fire!Well, the ice on 436Bs surface is not like the ice we know here on Earth. It was created by water being so compressed that it became solid.

However, tt would look much like the ice we have here on Earth, but if you were to and pick some up, you would need a new hand, because it's burning at such a high temperature.

Sunday 12 May 2013

Piracy was a really difficult profession. Even the most famous pirates didn’t really last very long. Think about it: Many were killed or injured in battle, there were fights amongst themselves and don’t even think about going to a doctor. In fact, even Blackbeard, probably the most famous of pirates, was only active for 3 years, from 1719 to 1722.

Other pirate facts:

The didn’t really do the whole treasure-burying thing. In fact, most of the loot gathered after a raid was split among the crew, and it also included perishables.
Women pirates were uncommon, but not unheard of.
It was not uncommon for some merchants to join a pirate ship when they were raided. The ‘honest’ work at sea was even tougher.
Piracy was not limited to just poor people trying their luck at see. Many were from higher social classes and they just happened to turn to piracy.

                    This just in: Angelina Jolie is not perfect. I repeat, Angelina Jolie is not perfect. I know that's hard to accept, considering she's one of the most beautiful women on the planet, living the most envied life possible -- but it's true.

You heard it here first, people -- Angelina has a flaw. And even worse? Brad Pitt completely mocked her for it on Valentine's Day.

I'll just cut to the chase here, Angelina has bad breath. And no one would know that little secret better than her own husband. So instead of wining and dining the mother of his children, Brad decided to get Angelina breath mints. As in, take these before you kiss me and thank me for this wonderful gift. I know, right? Totally "uncool" of him.

Apparently Brad is "always teasing" Angie about her breath -- and that it's "sort of a joke." Oh yeah, I'm sure Ang is laughing real hard about this. I mean, no diamonds? No flowers? Really, Brad? This is sort of mean. Think about it -- would you buy diet pills for someone who's overweight as a "joke"? I seriously hope not.

Bottom line is, I understand that Brad and Angelina probably have a relationship where they joke around and tease each other, but perhaps Valentine's Day isn't the appropriate time to tell your loved one her breath smells like crap.

Now is not the time to be judgmental about the paths we each choose to fight climate change, except for only one option: doing nothing. That's not acceptable. Instead, I propose that we fight with our mothers…about something important.

In honor of Mother’s Day, I’m thinking about how important it is for mothers to be fighting with their daughters and sons — and vice versa. There’s more power in sharing power, and if we fight with our mothers, alongside our mothers, together we have a better shot at successfully defending our kids’ right to clean air.

Moms Clean Air Force, of which I’m the co-founder and senior director, harnesses the strength of mother love to fight back against polluters, and is just at the beginning of what we know is going to be a long journey. But already it reminds me of being a feminist during my student years in the sixties and seventies. It really meant a lot to me, when I was fifteen and attending consciousness-raising sessions, that Grown Up Women—women my own mother’s age—were leading the way, making demands for parity and equality and true personhood; that they were unafraid, and outspoken, and passionate, and clear about what was and was not acceptable in the way women were treated; that they believed in a different future.

We believe in that too. The best solution to feeling depressed about the future is to unite—and take action. If, as just one small example, we can protect the mercury regulations (MATS) that were passed last year and are now threatened by legal assaults, we will do more to cut carbon emissions than we would by stopping the Keystone pipeline.

Before too long, it is our daughters and sons who will be running this country. They’ll do a better job of it if we show them, by working right alongside them, that sometimes, being a good mother means being an engaged citizen. So go ahead. Roll up your sleeves, and get into a good fight with your mother.

After you've given her flowers, of course.
Saturday 11 May 2013

CBS) CLEVELAND - Cleveland police have confirmed that three women who disappeared over the past decade or so were found safe in a house on Seymour Avenue Monday afternoon, CBS affiliate WOIO reported.
All three women, Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michele Knight, seem to be in good health, the station said.

PICTURES: Ohio women missing for nearly a decade found alive

According to police a woman claiming to be Amanda Berry called 911 Monday. She said she was kidnapped 10 years ago and said she is currently at a home at 2210 Seymour.  She also told the dispatcher that Gina DeJesus was with her. A third missing woman, 32-year old Michelle Knight, was also at the location with Berry and DeJesus. It's believed Knight disappeared in 2000.

WOIO reported one witness says he saw Amanda Berry come running out of the house kicking and screaming "Help me!," and carrying a baby in her arms.

Amanda Berry was one day shy of her 17th birthday when she went missing on her way home to her birthday party on April 21, 2003, after leaving her job at a Burger King.

Her mother died at age 43 in March 2006 after years of searching for her daughter, and some say she died of a broken heart.

Alex Ferguson Biography

Sir Alex Ferguson is a Scottish Football manager, born 31 December 1941 in Govan, Glasgow. After a successful spell at Aberdeen, Alex Ferguson moved to Manchester United in 1986. He led the club to an unprecedented series of success - revitalising the club and becoming one of the most successful managers in the modern game. He is renonwed for his ability to motivate key players, and blend stars into a team. He has also had frequent run ins with referees for his outspoken criticisms.

Alexander Beaton Fegurson was born in Govan, Glasgow on 31 Dec. 1941. His father was a shipbuilder. He grew up in a tenement on Govan Road, and he always remembers his working class roots and relative poverty the family faced. He is one of the Labour parties biggest financial supporters. He attended Govan High school, but was not interested in studying and at the age of 16, started his amateur playing career, making his debut for Queens Park.

He was a promising striker, but struggled to be a regular in the team. He moved to St Johnstone, and again was fighting for a place in the team. At one point, his failure to secure a regular team slot left him considering moving to Canada. However, in 1964 he signed professional for Dunfermeline.

The 1965-66 season was a breakthrough year for Ferguson scoring 45 goals in 51 games. This led to him being bought by his childhood team Rangers for £65,00
Friday 10 May 2013
I'm writing this blog to tell you about a friend of mine who thinks marks are every thing!
Few day earlier I wrote a post on my blog which said why marks don't matter your future! and then I said one of my good friend to read the post and tell me how's it! and she did!
Her reaction? -"they will mater your future! cause you need them to get a good job!"
and what did I say to that?
Well I Said -"If you start understanding everything then you wont need to do a job! "
Then she asked me -"What will you do then...polish shoes?"
I said "NO!~ If someone starts understanding every thing then that person would not have to be doing a job .. that person will be actually capable of creating some thing big and and giving others some work in there creation! and that's the truth guys!"
Then she said-"not every one is capable to do some thing big.. not every one can create some thing like APPLE and MICROSOFT! different people come from different background so they all think in different ways and thus not every can create every thing.
What did I say to that?
I said-"why? why do you think that not every one can create every thing? okay tell me some thing!
~din't Steve jobs and Bill gates wet their pants when they where kids? and din't they do all those things which a normal kid does? They did right. so why do you think they "started- THINKING DIFFERENT?""
Her reaction?
"Well I don't know ..! why don't you tell me? Think your too smart? Tell me why do you think they thought in a different way?"
my reaction-
" they thought different because they understood ever thing and had there own realizations. In other words they understood the world and the minds of all the people!"
and thus they created there own world!
In Steve jobs case it was APPLE and in bill gates case it was MICROSOFT!"( there own world)
And we stooped there!
guess who won?
no~ your wrong!

"It's a proud moment for sure. For me, growing up, I dreamt of playing for India. When I look back, I probably exceeded my expectations with what I have done over the last 10 to 12 years. I never had an ambition to do it because I never believed - it is just a reflection of my longevity in the game."

                     -- Rahul Dravid, after reaching 10,000 test runs

Dravid was born in Indore, Madhya Pradesh into a Maharashtrian Deshastha family living in Karnataka. His paternal ancestors were Iyers from Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu.He grew up in Bangalore, Karnataka. He has a younger brother, Vijay. Both the brothers grew up in a simple middle class atmosphere. Dravid's father worked for Kissan, a company known for producing jams and preserves and thus he earned the nickname Jammy from his teammates at St. Joseph's Boys' High School, Bangalore. His mother, Pushpa, was a professor of Architecture at Bangalore University. Rahul Dravid has a degree in commerce from St Joseph's College of Commerce Bangalore, Karnataka. On 4 May 2003, he married Dr. Vijeta Pendharkar, a surgeon from Nagpur and on 11 October 2005, their son, Samit, was born. On 27 April 2009, Vijeta gave birth to their second son, Anvay.

With a strong technique, he has been the backbone for the Indian cricket team. Beginning with the reputation of being a defensive batsman who should be confined to Test cricket, he was dropped from ODIs as he was slow in making runs. However, in a period of his career he began consistently scoring runs in ODIs as well, earning him the award of ICC player of the year. His nickname of 'The Wall' in Reebok advertisements has now become a tribute to his consistency. Dravid has scored 31 centuries in Test cricket at an average of 53.31, including 5 double centuries. In one-dayers too he has an impressive average of 39.49, although at a strike rate of 71.22. He is one of the few Indians who average more at away Test matches than at home, averaging about 5 more runs a match abroad than on Indian pitches. As of 23 September, 2010, Dravid's average in overseas Tests stood at 55.53 as against his home Test average of 50.76, and his average for away ODI stands at 37.93 as against home ODI average of 43.11.In matches that India has won, Dravid averages 66.34 in Tests and 50.69 in ODIs.

Dravid's sole Test wicket was that of Ridley Jacobs in the fourth Test against the West Indies during the 2001-2002 series. While he has no pretensions to being a bowler, Dravid often kept wicket for India in ODIs. He has since delegated the wicket-keeping gloves, first to Parthiv Patel and more recently to Mahendra Singh Dhoni. Dravid is now purely a batsman, one who has averaged 63.51 in matches played since 1 January 2000.

Dravid was involved in two of the largest partnerships in ODIs: a 318-run partnership with Sourav Ganguly, the first pair to combine for a 300-run partnership, and then a 331-run partnership with Sachin Tendulkar, which is the present world record. He also holds the record for the greatest number of innings since debut before being dismissed for a duck. His highest scores in ODIs and Tests are 153 and 270 respectively. Uniquely, each of his five double centuries in
Monday 6 May 2013
       Pygmy, in anthropology, member of any human group whose adult males grow to less than 59 inches (150 cm) in average height. A member of a slightly taller group is termed pygmoid.
The best-known Pygmy groups and those to whom the term is most commonly applied are the Pygmies of tropical Africa; elsewhere in Africa some of the San (Bushmen) of the Kalahari are of Pygmy size. There are also Pygmy groups, commonly known as Negritos, in Asia. Similarities in the physical features of the African and Asian groups are a result of their long period of adaptation to similar environments.

Virtually all Pygmy peoples are hunters and gatherers, practicing neither agriculture nor cattle raising. Most maintain close symbiotic relations with other groups in their region; consequently most have lost their indigenous languages and adopted that of their neighbours.

The famous Pygmy groups of the Ituri Forest in Congo (Kinshasa) present an example of a culture unchanging as a result of acculturation with neighbouring peoples. Known collectively as the Bambuti (Mbuti), they are probably the earliest inhabitants of the region.

Another well-known Pygmy group in equatorial Africa are the Twa (Batwa), who live in the high mountains and plains around Lake Kivu, in Congo,
                                           Researchers at The University of Auckland have proposed a new method for finding Earth-like planets and they anticipate that the number will be in the order of 100 billion.
The strategy uses a technique called gravitational microlensing, currently used by a Japan-New Zealand collaboration called MOA (Microlensing Observations in Astrophysics) at New Zealand’s Mt John Observatory.
Lead author Dr Phil Yock from the University of Auckland’s Department of Physics explains that the work will require a combination of data from microlensing and the NASA Kepler space telescope.
“Kepler finds Earth-sized planets that are quite close to parent stars, and it estimates that there are 17 billion such planets in the Milky Way. These planets are generally hotter than Earth, although some could be of a similar temperature (and therefore habitable) if they're orbiting a cool star called a red dwarf.”
“Our proposal is to measure the number of Earth-mass planets orbiting stars at distances typically twice the Sun-Earth distance. Our planets will therefore be cooler than the Earth. By interpolating between the Kepler and MOA results, we should get a good estimate of the number of Earth-like, habitable planets in the Galaxy. We anticipate a number in the order of 100 billion.”
“Of course, it will be a long way from measuring this number to actually finding inhabited planets, but it will be a step along the way.”

The first planet orbiting a Sun-like star was not found until 1995, despite strenuous efforts by astronomers. Dr Yock explains that this reflects the difficulty of detecting from a distance a tiny non-luminous object like Earth orbiting a bright object like the Sun. The planet is lost in the glare of the star, so indirect methods of detection must be used.
Whereas Kepler measures the loss of light from a star when a planet orbits between us and the star, microlensing measures the deflection of light from a distant star that passes through a planetary system en route to Earth – an effect predicted by Einstein in 1936.
In recent years, microlensing has been used to detect several planets as large as Neptune and Jupiter. Dr Yock and colleagues have proposed a new microlensing strategy for detecting the tiny deflection caused by an Earth-sized planet. Simulations carried out by Dr Yock and his colleagues – students and former students from The University of Auckland and France – showed that Earth-sized planets could be detected more easily if a worldwide network of moderate-sized, robotic telescopes was available to monitor them.
Coincidentally, just such a network of 1m and 2m telescopes is now being deployed by Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network (LCOGT) in collaboration with SUPA/St Andrews (Scottish Universities Physics Alliance),
Saturday 4 May 2013

                           Automobiles changed the world in the 20th Century. They have given people the freedom to live, work, and travel almost anywhere they want. The automobile industry has caused the suburbs to grow, and made the development of road and highway systems necessary. The manufacture, sale, and repair of automobiles are very important to the countries that produce large amounts of manufactured goods. But along with the advantages of automobiles, there have been disadvantages. Automobile accidents are a leading cause of death and injury in the world, and the automobile has brought about air and noise pollution. Despite the problems automobiles have caused, they are an important part of the culture and economy of the world.
Early Automobiles
Before the invention of railroads, streetcars, and automobiles, people traveled to work by horse or horse and carriage. A streetcar was a public passenger car operated by rails through the streets of the city. Traveling by horse was a slow means of transportation, so people had to live close to where they worked. People tended to live on farms or in the city where the businesses were located. In the late 1800’s, when railroads and streetcars were developed, people could live farther from work. The communities that grew next to or near the central cities were called suburbs. The growth of the suburbs dramatically increased when people started owning automobiles, because it became even easier for people to live farther from their work. Also, businesses and stores moved to the suburbs where the people lived.
The travel industry grew with the invention of the automobile. When people had automobiles, they could drive to different places to visit. People started going on vacations and spending money in the cities they visited, which helped the economy.
In the early days of the development of the automobile, there were three sources of automobile power – steam engines, electric motors, and gasoline engines. The first self-propelled vehicles were made during the late 1700’s in Europe using steam-powered engines. Steam engines are external-combustion engines. A steam engine works by using the heat energy of pressurized steam to push the pistons. In the late 1800’s, many Americans also experimented with steam automobiles. These automobiles were not successful, because it took a long time for the engines to heat up, they cost a lot to make, they caused a lot of noise, and sometimes they exploded if too much pressure built up in the engine.
In 1891, William Morrison built the first successful electric-powered automobile in the United States. Electric-powered automobiles were an improvement over steam-powered automobiles because they were quiet, cost less, and they did not produce smelly fumes. The disadvantages of electric cars were that they could only travel about 20 miles per hour, and the batteries needed to be recharged about every 50 miles.
In 1860,

Moles On The Front Of The Body

Mole 1

Life will be quite a challenge for you and there will be times when things will not be easy. The good news is that if the mole is red in colour and appears more towards the front than the back, you will rise easily to whatever challenges may face you.

Mole 2

You are a person who is easily stressed. Remember to take a deep breath each time you feel unbearably pressured by your loved ones.

Mole 3

You are popular and efficient and your life is one busy challenge after another. You do not lack for work and are much in demand at social events. This is probably because you are likely to hold a high position with responsibilities to match.

Mole 4

A mole close to the middle of the front chest here indicates you must be careful about your eating habits, especially if the mole is black and prominent. On the plus side, if the mole is light-coloured, it means your husband/wife loves you a lot.

Mole 5

A mole on the upper breast suggests a happy life with few worries. But you need to take care of your health when you are in your fifties.

Mole 6

This is the sign of a very ambitious person with big dreams. If there are other indications of success on your palm or paht chee chart, you could rise to great prominence.

Mole 7

A mole here suggests someone who is generous and kind at heart. You are honourable and honest when conducting business.

Mole 8

A mole on the stomach signifies one who has everything going for them; your life will be smooth and safe. This is a very lucky mole and is better if small.

Mole 9

A mole here on your tummy signifies you will enjoy great wealth luck. The smaller the mole, the better, but it should be dark and clearly visible. If it touches your navel, you will rise to become seriously wealthy.

Mole 10

The man who finds a mole here will be blessed with many children.

Mole 11

A mole here suggests you are blessed with obedient children who will bring you much happiness. They will make you proud of them.

Mole 12

A mole here will bring plenty of good fortune. Everything will move smoothly in your life and there are also unexpected windfalls. When moles here appear as a pair, they indicate extreme
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