Saturday 4 May 2013

                           Automobiles changed the world in the 20th Century. They have given people the freedom to live, work, and travel almost anywhere they want. The automobile industry has caused the suburbs to grow, and made the development of road and highway systems necessary. The manufacture, sale, and repair of automobiles are very important to the countries that produce large amounts of manufactured goods. But along with the advantages of automobiles, there have been disadvantages. Automobile accidents are a leading cause of death and injury in the world, and the automobile has brought about air and noise pollution. Despite the problems automobiles have caused, they are an important part of the culture and economy of the world.
Early Automobiles
Before the invention of railroads, streetcars, and automobiles, people traveled to work by horse or horse and carriage. A streetcar was a public passenger car operated by rails through the streets of the city. Traveling by horse was a slow means of transportation, so people had to live close to where they worked. People tended to live on farms or in the city where the businesses were located. In the late 1800’s, when railroads and streetcars were developed, people could live farther from work. The communities that grew next to or near the central cities were called suburbs. The growth of the suburbs dramatically increased when people started owning automobiles, because it became even easier for people to live farther from their work. Also, businesses and stores moved to the suburbs where the people lived.
The travel industry grew with the invention of the automobile. When people had automobiles, they could drive to different places to visit. People started going on vacations and spending money in the cities they visited, which helped the economy.
In the early days of the development of the automobile, there were three sources of automobile power – steam engines, electric motors, and gasoline engines. The first self-propelled vehicles were made during the late 1700’s in Europe using steam-powered engines. Steam engines are external-combustion engines. A steam engine works by using the heat energy of pressurized steam to push the pistons. In the late 1800’s, many Americans also experimented with steam automobiles. These automobiles were not successful, because it took a long time for the engines to heat up, they cost a lot to make, they caused a lot of noise, and sometimes they exploded if too much pressure built up in the engine.
In 1891, William Morrison built the first successful electric-powered automobile in the United States. Electric-powered automobiles were an improvement over steam-powered automobiles because they were quiet, cost less, and they did not produce smelly fumes. The disadvantages of electric cars were that they could only travel about 20 miles per hour, and the batteries needed to be recharged about every 50 miles.
In 1860,

Moles On The Front Of The Body

Mole 1

Life will be quite a challenge for you and there will be times when things will not be easy. The good news is that if the mole is red in colour and appears more towards the front than the back, you will rise easily to whatever challenges may face you.

Mole 2

You are a person who is easily stressed. Remember to take a deep breath each time you feel unbearably pressured by your loved ones.

Mole 3

You are popular and efficient and your life is one busy challenge after another. You do not lack for work and are much in demand at social events. This is probably because you are likely to hold a high position with responsibilities to match.

Mole 4

A mole close to the middle of the front chest here indicates you must be careful about your eating habits, especially if the mole is black and prominent. On the plus side, if the mole is light-coloured, it means your husband/wife loves you a lot.

Mole 5

A mole on the upper breast suggests a happy life with few worries. But you need to take care of your health when you are in your fifties.

Mole 6

This is the sign of a very ambitious person with big dreams. If there are other indications of success on your palm or paht chee chart, you could rise to great prominence.

Mole 7

A mole here suggests someone who is generous and kind at heart. You are honourable and honest when conducting business.

Mole 8

A mole on the stomach signifies one who has everything going for them; your life will be smooth and safe. This is a very lucky mole and is better if small.

Mole 9

A mole here on your tummy signifies you will enjoy great wealth luck. The smaller the mole, the better, but it should be dark and clearly visible. If it touches your navel, you will rise to become seriously wealthy.

Mole 10

The man who finds a mole here will be blessed with many children.

Mole 11

A mole here suggests you are blessed with obedient children who will bring you much happiness. They will make you proud of them.

Mole 12

A mole here will bring plenty of good fortune. Everything will move smoothly in your life and there are also unexpected windfalls. When moles here appear as a pair, they indicate extreme
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