Fishermen in the Gulf of Mexico found a two-headed fetus in the uterus of a female adult shark. The specimen that died after it was found was transferred to Michigan State University for examination by biologists.

While scientists say they do not have enough data to draw any conclusion as to what may cause such phenomena, but the fetus certainly serves as a proof for their existence.
Some speculate that the recent BP’s Deepwater Horizon oil spill may have caused the deformity, but scientists say that there is just not enough evidence to jump to such conclusions.
Most likely, the two-headed fetus would not have lived long in the wild if it was allowed to be born, say the scientists as it would be nearly impossible for it to move fast enough to feed itself. Also the specimen’s heads were quit extensively developed but the reset of the body was not.
Two-headed snakes and turtles can be bought from specialty breeders and there is a small market for such creatures. There are also some examples of two-headed sharks in museums captured in the late 18 century.
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