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Tuesday 9 April 2013
                                        It's been a long hard road these last four years. I've often had the opportunity to reflect on the events that happened that Tuesday morning when I've commuted to NJ via the rebuilt PATH station at WTC - and I've found it hard to relate. Here I am so lucky - I have my home, my wife, my parents and family. Like anyone who lived in NYC that day, I knew someone who was a victim, but they were old acquaintances or people I graduated from high school with. How amazingly difficult it must still be for those who lost loved ones. Or troubling to the good people that worked at the site looking for survivors, sifting the rubble and removing the ashes - and afterwards sufferring more with not only mental anguish, but physical ailments as well. All that pain, all that anguish - it still moves me to tears to this day. 

However hard it might be, I cannot let the feelings of emotional loss consume me. Today I choose to re-dedicate myself and this website to some of the positive thoughts that can be taken from this tragedy. A belief in the human spirit of ordinary people - that when faced with the worst of situations they chose to help one-another instead of letting chaos consume them. A re-kindling of brotherhood - to see that we are part of our community, especially in the darkest hours, and that even one small person's contribution can help us all. And finally in the goodness of people - that when times are tough the people who know what is right will step forward and do what they can to keep it right.


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